Saturday 8 October 2016

How to Do the Rumba

Have you seen Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, Ballroom Bootcamp, etc? If you want to join in the action, you'll need to learn a step or two. The Rumba is a basic Latin Dance. It is very easy; this article will show the male part first (the Lead), then the female part (the Follow), and finish off with the correct dance position.

The over all shape of the complete step is a box drawn on the floor. Forward left, side right, close your feet together, back right, side left, close your feet together. Repeat.

Method 1 :- Leaders

Step forward with your left foot (slow step).

Bring your right foot diagonally across from where you started and step on it (quick step).

Close your left foot beside your right (quick step).

Step back with your right foot (slow).

Bring your left foot diagonally back/to the side (quick).

Close your right foot to your left and change your weight, back to your starting position (quick).

Method 2 :- Followers

Step back with your right foot (slow).

Step to the side with your left foot (quick)

Close your right foot to your left, changing your weight (quick).

Step forward on your left foot (slow)

Step to the side (diagonally across) with your right foot (quick).

Close your left foot to your right, changing your weight, back to your original or starting position (quick).

1.Leaders- Place your right hand just underneath her shoulder blade. Your left hand should come away from your body at a 180-degree angle. Clasp your hands and touch your elbows together.

2. Followers- rest your left hand on the guy's right arm. Touch your elbows together as you place your right hand in your partner's.

This clips demonstrates how to do the New York step in the rumba.

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